Death Valley National Park
A very interesting place to visit is Death Valley National Park. The
elevation of the immediate region ranges from 282 feet below sea level
at the valley floor to 14,494 feet at the peak of Mt. Whitney in less than
80 miles. The name Death Valley sounds foreboding, and let’s face it some
to the other names of the places within the valley don’t sound much better;
Dante’s View, Devil’s Cornfield, Badwater, Funeral Mountains, Furnace Creek,
and we don’t even want to mention Thorndike! But don’t be alarmed Death
Valley and its surrounding area is beautiful as well as interesting.
While traveling to or from Scotty’s Castle on North Highway, be aware of Roland Wiley Coyote.
A bobbed tail coyote that likes to chase cars for a handout. You will see
him just north of the junction of Daylight Pass. Rolland is cute, but he
is wild, so don’t approach him. He also is a ham and will pose for pictures
if you stay in the car and keep your distance. There is other fauna and
flora that can be seen in this and other desert regions. Big horn sheep,
kit fox, burros, wild horses and desert chipmunks are but a few of the
critters that roam the desert. Other critters that roam the desert and
deserve your respect are: tarantulas, lizards, and assorted snakes. You
may not like them, but they are a part of this precious environment, so
remember to keep back and respect ALL wildlife.
Before traveling in the desert, there are several things you need
to be aware of. There are great temperature differences depending on altitude
and time of year. The desert is a harsh environment to deal with, please
visit the Desert Warning section.
If you are stuck in the desert, it may just save your life.